Top 10 Retail Cloud Solution Providers - 2017 My Cloud Grocer (MCG): Revolutionizing...

Top 10 Retail Cloud Solution Providers - 2017 My Cloud Grocer (MCG): Revolutionizing Supermarkets

Yehuda Vernik, Founder & CTO, Dan Dashevsky, Founder & COO, My Cloud GrocerYehuda Vernik, Founder & CTO, Dan Dashevsky, Founder & COO
In-store grocery shopping is slowly becoming the thing of the past. Today, time-starved consumers find it increasingly difficult to spend time in a store every week. Dan Dashevsky and Yehuda Vernik noticed this issue and built a solution that provides an average American shopper with the convenience of ordering their groceries from the comfort of their homes. With an aim to revolutionize supermarkets, they founded My Cloud Grocer (MCG), an online platform that enables larger single stores and supermarket chains to offer their products via virtual storefront. Their solutions have been proven very successful throughout the five-year period of MCG’s presence in the online grocery shopping arena. Their five star reviews and the highest National Promoter Score (NPS) in the industry makes them number one end-to-end ecommerce service provider in the United States at present. “MCG team possesses very strong technology skills and thorough knowledge of the retail grocery industry. They provide a valuable input on our marketing strategies and send weekly digital circulars on our behalf. Their team is a pleasure and easy to work with,” testifies Mayer Gold, CEO of Seasons Supermarkets.

MCG stands ahead of the market competition curve by creating an effective online supermarket with top of the line ser vices. “When designing online supermarket we do not just change a logo on a template. We analyze very carefully the brand specifics and what the customers’ brand represents,” says Dashevsky, Founder & COO, MCG.

When we build online supermarket, we create an extension of the store’s brand

“We then take that brand and represent it online not only as an online shop, but as an extension of that store.” With MCG, supermarket owners are not just selling their products through someone else’s marketplace, but actually promoting their own brand online to increase both online and offline sales. “Our goal is to do a perfect job in platform customization and development, and although it takes much effort to accomplish it, we are never afraid to start working from scratch to achieve perfect results,” notes Yehuda Vernik, Founder & CTO of MCG.

MCG’s platform has unique features for every part of the grocery shopping process, from finding the store of their client to order fulfilment. For enhanced ranking, visitors, and traffic, MCG puts much stress on optimizing their platform for search engines to place their clients’ stores at the top of the search results. With a super-fast and user-friendly capability, MCG platform loads pages within 0.2 seconds on an average. “Everything is designed to contribute to the user experience, making it easy to search, browse, and choose the products they want to purchase by using tools such as ‘shop-by recipe’,” notes Vernik. Along with powerful ecommerce reporting, MCG’s back-end is also fully e quipped with the analytics tool which provides their clients with valuable insights regarding the activity of their online storefront.

Dashevsky and Vernik believe that they are on the right path. They are certain that the age of ecommerce is still to come and that they are ahead of time. It is estimated that by 2019, twenty percent of groceries will be purchased online, however, the supermarkets using MCG platform are already selling 20 percent of their products via online store. “We are constantly innovating and looking to add new modules to add value to our platform for our clients,” concludes Vernik.
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Top 10 Cloud Solution Companies - 2017

My Cloud Grocer


Yehuda Vernik, Founder & CTO, Dan Dashevsky, Founder & COO

Provides comprehensive end-to-end e-grocery solution